Posted on Aug 11, 2022 in Uncategorized |

We would like to encourage you to keep moving Forward! There are times when we’re working and serving others yet we need someone to serve us. This is the time to keep pressing and continue doing good. Galatians 6:9 tells us to not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we will reap, IF we don’t give up! This may not be for everyone but it is for someone. Although you don’t see how your doing good is working right now… keep going, your reward is coming! Stay the course and don’t let your surroundings, your peers, your problems, your fatigue or your lack of vision stop you. You may not be able to see the end but let us be your eyes and let you know “Help Is On The Way”!
In times like these there are some must haves…
– You must have regular time in prayer
– You must have a praise on your lips
– You must have a circle of friends that will keep you encouraged (DO NOT find yourself alone in this season)
– You must have a written vision of what God has promised (If you’re not sure of where he’s taking you find a scripture to stand on) Your written vision will give you motivation and hope for the future.
We all get weary at times while fighting the good fight of faith… it happens. But it’s important not to quit. Tie a knot in your faith and hold on with everything you got! The storm will pass, troubles don’t last always.
Share this post with someone you know who may be in need of encouragement.
God bless you… Pastors Charles & Azalea Williams
Posted on Jul 1, 2020 in Uncategorized |

Sometimes we have to sit back and check our priorities. What’s really important to us? Our actions and activities will show who and what things are top on our priority list. If you are a believer then God and the will of God for your life should be top on your list. All your activities and actions should reflect your love for God and the things that God loves. We can’t say we prioritize God, yet we don’t prioritize the things he loves. Serving, loving, giving, praying and worshiping. These are things God loves and so should we. Don’t let the pandemic keep you from loving God and loving the things that He loves. Make it your top priority to serve others, to love people, to give to the things of God, to pray without ceasing and worshiping instead of worrying.
Get your priorities right by making sure God and the things he loves are on TOP! –Pastor Azalea
Posted on Jun 5, 2020 in Uncategorized |

Welcome Back To Worship
We would like to welcome all our Partners back to worship! This Sunday is our 8 Year Ministry Anniversary and our Grand Re-Opening Post COVID-19. We are opening with your safety in mind. We have setup safety measures for a safe return for all our Partners, families, and friends. Some of the safety measures include hand sanitizer required for all upon entering the facility, mask available for those wishing to wear them, latex gloves as well as structured seating to allow for social distancing. During this time, we ask that you please accept our staffs warm smile to substitute our normal hugs or handshakes. We also ask that everyone follows this practice of smiles only and refrain from touching those outside of your household. Also, for your safety all frequently used doors will be left open to prevent contamination. At this time, a plan to reopen our Just Kids Ministry has not been established so families will be required to sit together.
We are excited to see everyone back in the building. However, we do still encourage those over the age of 65, those with underlining medical conditions and those who are ill to remain home and watch the service via Facebook or YouTube Live. Sunday will be a momentous occasion! Be sure to dress up in your Forward colors (red, black, gray, and white) We look forward to seeing you!
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reply to this email and someone from our office will be more than happy to contact you back.
God Bless
Pastors Charles & Azalea Williams
#wegotnext #8yearsofministry #wehavecomethisfarbyfaith
Posted on May 27, 2020 in Uncategorized |

What a difference the Lord makes
I was scrolling through Facebook and saw my childhood best friend’s mom on a photo, and I paused and just said Thank You Lord! I said that because I remember what she use to be and what the enemy had planned for her life… BUT God! I remembered how my friend would runaway to my house for safety because of the drugs and prostitution that was going on in her home. How she was saddened by the heavy drug abuse that was ravaging her mom’s body and deteriorating the life out of her.
But what a difference the Lord makes!! Some years ago, her mom gave her life to the Lord and he completely restored everything the enemy wanted to destroy. She has been clean and sober for many many years now and by looking at her now you would never ever be able to tell the things she has been through.
When we yield our life to God and let him have his way, he will clean us up and remove all the residue of sin and the world from our life. He is not doing it so you can just look good to those who once knew you… no that’s just a piece of it. He does it because he wants to get the glory from your life! So you can stand boldly and give your testimony of deliverance and say “I don’t look like what I’ve been through” the Lord has made a difference in my life and he can do the same for you. Our life is NEVER about us. It’s always for his glory!
Let me encourage you today by reminding you not to forget what the Lord has brought you out of. Don’t forget the life you once lived. Do not forget to tell others how you came out and who can bring them out! Always keep your testimony on your lips!! So that God can be glorified!
So people can know what a difference the Lord makes!
—Pastor Azalea
2 Corn. 5:17 KJV
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
Posted on May 13, 2020 in Uncategorized |

During this time of the COVID-19 it has really given the believers an opportunity to grow. This time has proven that we are the church… that the building is just a place that we gather together to worship God collectively. This time has shown us our level of discipline when it comes to prayer, praise and getting into the word of God. Some have really stayed connected to the things of God and used this opportunity to know him personally without all the distractions of having to leave the house for work and other extracurricular activities. Some have used this time as a opportunity to grow in their marriages & family by spending quality time with their spouses and children. Many have used this opportunity to grow and learn a new skill or hobby. One thing I know for certain is that those who wanted to grow have grown.
If you’re the same way you were when the quarantine started, if your mindset hasn’t shifted concerning a deeper personal relationship with God let me encourage you to take this opportunity to GROW! It’s not too late to “Go Back Home” in your walk with God so that you can grow in the things of God. I know growth doesn’t sound like going back, but there are some times when you have to step back and cut back in order to grow. Go back to that place where you longed to be with God, when you desired his will over yours. Go back to the place when you loved the things of God and the people of God. He is waiting with open arms…It’s growing season! So go back so you can grow!
With LOVE: Pastor Azalea
Posted on May 5, 2020 in Uncategorized |

Forward Nation!!! In this season, I hear the Lord saying “You can Rest in His Abundance.” In this time of Uncertainty, we can trust in our God and the Abundance he has for Us. Think it not Strange when New Doors, New Opportunities & New Releases show up. It is because I am an All Sufficient God. Don’t Worry about what you will Eat, Drink or Wear… I Got You. I will Bless You and My Abundance Will carry You and Your Family for Years To Come!!! -Pastor Charles Williams #ForwardStrong
Leviticus 25:20-21
20 You may ask, “What will we eat in the seventh year if we do not plant or harvest our crops?”
21 I will send you such a blessing in the sixth year that the land will yield enough for three years.
Posted on Apr 29, 2020 in Uncategorized |

Accountability is a vital part of growth for every believer. We all need somebody that we can be accountable to. From the pulpit to the pew we all need somebody who can check us. As Senior Pastors we can’t expect others to be accountable to us if we don’t practice the same level of accountability. We personally have several layers of accountability: Our Bishop, each other, close friends and some family. That’s why we make the statement “Don’t tell me who you’re over, until you tell me who you’re under” Accountability requires submission to the leadership of someone who will hold you accountable or check you on your actions. Accountability starts with sharing our personal life and goals with someone trustworthy. That means we have to open up our life to somebody so that they can help us through life as well as help us accomplish our goals. No man is and island… we all need somebody.
Just as we remind God of his word, we must have someone who can remind us of our words. Accountability breeds responsibility and ultimately it will breed great success! If I told you that I want to loose weight and you see me with a piece of cake and fried chicken you need to say to me “Pastor A, you said you were wanting to loose weight, what are you doing?” That’s why it’s important to share your goals and heart so someone can encourage you in times of weakness. Your accountability partner should be someone you honor and respect enough to allow them to help you in times of weakness. So make sure you get an accountability partner that you can tell your goals to so that you can be held accountable and succeed!
Galatians 6:1-5 English Standard Version (ESV)
6 Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted. 2 Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. 3 For if anyone thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself. 4 But let each one test his own work, and then his reason to boast will be in himself alone and not in his neighbor. 5 For each will have to bear his own load.
Posted on Apr 28, 2020 in Uncategorized |

During these times of uncertainties is when we find out what’s truly on the inside of us. Do we buckle under the pressure of the unknown? Do we run in fear because sickness, lack and pandemonium is in our land? Or do we turn to God standing in faith believing he will bring us out of all things?
Can we encourage you to step back and check your track record with God. If he has brought you this far why would you think he would leave you now? He is faithful, just and true. He will not leave us comfortless but he will in fact come to us. Our God sees all and knows all but most importantly he cares! So why don’t you cast all your cares on him because he truly cares for you! We hope this message has encouraged you, always know that we are here for you. We may be separated but we are never apart.