Don’t Get Weary
Check Your Priorities
Sometimes we have to sit back and check our priorities. What’s really important to us? Our actions and activities will show who and what things are top on our priority list. If you are a believer then God and the will of God for your life should be top on your list. All your activities and actions should reflect your love for God and the things that God loves. We can’t say we prioritize God, yet we don’t prioritize the things he loves. Serving, loving, giving, praying and worshiping. These are things God loves and so should we. Don’t let the pandemic keep you from loving God and loving the things that He loves. Make it your top priority to serve others, to love people, to give to the things of God, to pray without ceasing and worshiping instead of worrying.
Get your priorities right by making sure God and the things he loves are on TOP! –Pastor Azalea
Welcome Back To Worship
Welcome Back To Worship
We would like to welcome all our Partners back to worship! This Sunday is our 8 Year Ministry Anniversary and our Grand Re-Opening Post COVID-19. We are opening with your safety in mind. We have setup safety measures for a safe return for all our Partners, families, and friends. Some of the safety measures include hand sanitizer required for all upon entering the facility, mask available for those wishing to wear them, latex gloves as well as structured seating to allow for social distancing. During this time, we ask that you please accept our staffs warm smile to substitute our normal hugs or handshakes. We also ask that everyone follows this practice of smiles only and refrain from touching those outside of your household. Also, for your safety all frequently used doors will be left open to prevent contamination. At this time, a plan to reopen our Just Kids Ministry has not been established so families will be required to sit together.
We are excited to see everyone back in the building. However, we do still encourage those over the age of 65, those with underlining medical conditions and those who are ill to remain home and watch the service via Facebook or YouTube Live. Sunday will be a momentous occasion! Be sure to dress up in your Forward colors (red, black, gray, and white) We look forward to seeing you!
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reply to this email and someone from our office will be more than happy to contact you back.
God Bless
Pastors Charles & Azalea Williams
#wegotnext #8yearsofministry #wehavecomethisfarbyfaith
What A Difference The Lord Makes
What a difference the Lord makes
I was scrolling through Facebook and saw my childhood best friend’s mom on a photo, and I paused and just said Thank You Lord! I said that because I remember what she use to be and what the enemy had planned for her life… BUT God! I remembered how my friend would runaway to my house for safety because of the drugs and prostitution that was going on in her home. How she was saddened by the heavy drug abuse that was ravaging her mom’s body and deteriorating the life out of her.
But what a difference the Lord makes!! Some years ago, her mom gave her life to the Lord and he completely restored everything the enemy wanted to destroy. She has been clean and sober for many many years now and by looking at her now you would never ever be able to tell the things she has been through.
When we yield our life to God and let him have his way, he will clean us up and remove all the residue of sin and the world from our life. He is not doing it so you can just look good to those who once knew you… no that’s just a piece of it. He does it because he wants to get the glory from your life! So you can stand boldly and give your testimony of deliverance and say “I don’t look like what I’ve been through” the Lord has made a difference in my life and he can do the same for you. Our life is NEVER about us. It’s always for his glory!
Let me encourage you today by reminding you not to forget what the Lord has brought you out of. Don’t forget the life you once lived. Do not forget to tell others how you came out and who can bring them out! Always keep your testimony on your lips!! So that God can be glorified!
So people can know what a difference the Lord makes!
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
Growth Season
I Hear Abundance
Accountability: We All Need It
Galatians 6:1-5 English Standard Version (ESV)
6 Brothers,a] if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted. 2 Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. 3 For if anyone thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself. 4 But let each one test his own work, and then his reason to boast will be in himself alone and not in his neighbor. 5 For each will have to bear his own load.
Pastors Corner
During these times of uncertainties is when we find out what’s truly on the inside of us. Do we buckle under the pressure of the unknown? Do we run in fear because sickness, lack and pandemonium is in our land? Or do we turn to God standing in faith believing he will bring us out of all things?
Can we encourage you to step back and check your track record with God. If he has brought you this far why would you think he would leave you now? He is faithful, just and true. He will not leave us comfortless but he will in fact come to us. Our God sees all and knows all but most importantly he cares! So why don’t you cast all your cares on him because he truly cares for you! We hope this message has encouraged you, always know that we are here for you. We may be separated but we are never apart.